Denaby United 3
Newhill 0
Goals: Hardy, Chadfield, McNeil
Boer War - Tim Roper
Mexborough & Swinton Times - February 23
News has been received during the past week from Timothy Roper who has arrived at Durban.
He speaks highly of the treatment received during the voyage to the Cape. He also wishes to expresse the wish that his clubmates will win the Hatchard Cup.
"Tim" has been missed very much by his club. Of late, there has not been the same sting in the attack that there used to be formally.
Boer War – Letter from Tim Roper, Denaby Footballer
July 1900
Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 6.
Letter from Tim Roper, the Denaby Footballer.
The following letter has been received from Tim Roper, the footballer, dated May 27, 1900, Newcastle, South Africa:
Dear mother and father.
Just a few lines to let you know that I received the parcels all right. I received them on the Queen’s Birthday. We had just halted after a 10 miles March, and we were ordered to fall in, and give three cheers for Her Majesty.
I shortly afterwards heard the post bugle sounded, and I received a parcel, and half an hour later, the money and cigars, and we shared them amongst Ballie, Corbett, Mick Coyne, and myself, and they were just grand, I can tell you, for we cannot get up on a Sunday morning and go to our coats get a cigar or a bottle of ginger beer either.
We have had it hard during the last fortnight, for we have been on the march, and busily engaged repairing bridges, and we have only been on half rations, consisting of three and four biscuits per day, and a small portion of corn beef, and for bread, I don’t know the taste of it now; it seems so long since I had any, and I would freely gave half a crown for one loaf if I could get it.
We are moving up to the front again, for there are about 10,000 Boers at Laing´s Nek, and General Buller is on Majuba Hill, and we have about 40,000 troops here, and there are going to push forward and join Buller and then I think we shall soon have the end.
Tell Mr Weston, we received the money or right, and Corbett and Bally thank you very much for his kindness, but there is no canteen to spend it at year, but tell him we will not forget to drink his health, and wish him much happiness and long life when we get inside a canteen again. We are going to send him a letter sometime today, so you can tell to look out.
I don’t know what to think about the footballer’s losing the match for the Hatchard Cup; tell them it is time they ceased playing.
I saw in the “Mexborough Times” about a running match between Davis and Lang, and which Davis won by about 5 yards. In reference to that man He says he has received letters from his wife in reply to them, so please enclose the name in your next letter.
By the time you receive this, I shall probably be on my way home
CREDIT: https://conisbroughanddenabyhistory.org.uk
Tim Roper Returns
Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 7.
Tim Roper Returns
Tim Roper, the well-known Denaby footballer, arrived at his home from South Africa on Thursday week.
Tim is fairly well considering that he is just recovering from an attack of enteric fever, through which he has been invalided home. A few friends met him at Conisborough station, and having visited his home he was met by a large crowd of personal friends and admirers, who congratulated him upon having returned home safe and well, as it were; and the adjourned to the clubhouse, the Reresby Arms were Tim related a few of his many steering scenes and incidents that he has encountered since last he saw his clubmate.
Judging by appearances I think there is no prospect of Tim taking his place in the team for some time to come.
Another, Denaby man, named J.Corbett, was in hospital when Tim left, suffering from an attack of enteric fever.
Mr T Weston, of the Reresby Arms, Hotel, Denaby, has this week received a present from Mr P.Prendergast, who is at present serving with the British forces. The gift takes the form of a very nice Testament, which at some future time, will be much prized as a relic of the Boer war.